7 Reasons to Choose Life Term Insurance in Kitchener


1. Because term life insurance is simple

A Life Term Insurance offers coverage for a limited period of time and can often be renewed automatically with an increased premium.

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2. Because it's affordable

If you buy a life insurance at a young age, take good care of your health, and compare rates from multiple companies before making a decision on your policy, you’ll be sure to get excellent life insurance rates.

3. Because it can be a superior option for anyone.

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Whether you're taking out life insurance for the first time or looking for some additional coverage at a key period in your life, term life insurance covers many needs. Parents who want to ensure that their young families are provided for if the worst happens might opt for this kind of insurance, knowing that there are certain times in life when their children might need that little bit extra.

4. Because you're opening a trade or getting ready to hand over the reins 

One of the main concerns of any business owner, especially those who are just starting out, is ensuring that the business can meet all its compulsion. Life Insurance can help keep your business going and prevent it from becoming a burden if something unexpected happens.

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5. Because it can complement your insurance portfolio

Do you have enough life insurance? Everyone knows that the point of life insurance is to leave money for your loved ones, but what is the money for? Many people think that they don't need life insurance because they already have group insurance, mortgage loan insurance or another kind of life insurance.  
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Life term insurance isn't dependent on your job or on another financial product. It complements the other coverage you have and provides additional peace of mind.

6. Because you don't have any life insurance yet

This may not be true for you, but it's the situation that 38% of people in Canada are in.1 if you don't have any coverage, for whatever reason, term life insurance is a simple way to get started.

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7. Because you have debts 

Whether you owe a little or a lot, your debts will not all disappear if something happens to you. Fortunately, you can take out credit card payment insurance and insurance on your loans. There's no need to take out a lot of insurance to give your loved ones a helping hand should something unexpected occur.


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