For what reason Do You Need Critical Illness Insurance Plans?

The modern times have seen a whole lot of progress in science and technology. There are newer and improved treatments for critical diseases which were not available earlier. As such, life expectancy has increased. However, one cannot ignore the rising incidence of diseases too. Modern man is increasingly falling ill with major illnesses. Heart-related ailments, cancer, organ transplants, etc. are victimizing more and more individuals. Against the cases of rising illness, medicine too has become expensive. A simple hospitalization drains you of thousands of rupees. Imagine if you contract a critical illness.

What are Critical Illness Insurance plans?

Critical illness plans are health insurance plans which pay a lump sum benefit on diagnosis of a critical illness. The plan covers specified illness. When you are diagnosed with any of the covered illness, the chosen sum insured is paid immediately.

Why do you need one?

As stated earlier, critical illness insurance plans in Kitchener are helpful when you suffer from a critical illness. The reasons why a plan is advised are as follows –
  • It helps in supplementing your health insurance coverage
  • The plan benefit can be put to any use
  • You can save taxes too


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