Beware of the Fraud that Health Insurance might pose!

When it comes to health insurance you will come across various companies humbugging you with all sorts of promises. These companies very cleverly hoodwink you to think of their policy as the best thing for you and your family. So it is utmost necessary to beware of the fraud and be vigilant while signing up with an insurance company.

Following are the key points to check before signing up a health insurance policy:
Stay informed by being alert of the upcoming rules and regulations by the government:  It is very important to keep yourself updated regarding the rules and regulation set by the government. These companies can easily finagle you if you are not informed. They can sense your level of knowledge regarding a certain aspect and can manipulate you to trust them in that regard. So you need to know what you are doing and question them as much as you can for the complete clarity. Compare your policy with other companies, compare the rate and benefits and then make a wise decision.
Safeguard your financial information and medical reports: It is important to safeguard all your financial information as you are always at the risk of forgery otherwise. Never share your credit/debit card details, bank account etc. on the phone as the companies sometimes sound very authentic but can turn out to be devious. When it comes to medical history, do not share until and unless an evaluation process is being conducted and you are asked for the same in writing that is in the form of a document.
Let the agent visit you and then discuss all these details but make sure before proceeding to ask for their credentials so you know that the person is true and is working with the concerned insurance company.
Prepare a list of question beforehand: It is advised that you prepare a list of question to ask the concerned agent. It is important that all your questions are answered and then also verify the same. If in the process you feel that you are not getting the answers, stress on the same and see if you get satisfied or not. If not then the policy is not right for you. Always keep check before signing up.
Save yourself from falling prey to telemarketers: Often you will get a call from insurance companies asking your details, explaining you their policies, asking you to share your personal information, your occupation, finances and information regarding your bank accounts etc. Be vigilant of the same and never share any information with these telemarketers. You have to be careful and understand the criteria in order to make a wise decision. Discuss with your near and dears, compare the policies and then choose a health insurance which will best suit your interests.


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